Business Development Systems, Inc.

Management Consultants, Trainers and Auditors


ISO 45001 is the standard for occupational health and safety management systems. It is applicable to all kinds and types of organizations to demonstrably sound occupational health and safety performance. It is widely seen as the world’s most recognized occupational health and safety management systems standard. An OHSMS determines and continually improves an organizations Health and Safety position and performance. It follows an outline and is managed like any other business function, such as quality, environmental systems, marketing or engineering. It provides a framework for supporting safe and healthy workplaces, implementing improvements and meeting regulatory requirements. Ideally, it is built on an existing environmental or quality management system. (ISO 14001 or ISO 9001)


Here is a basic summary of the outline:
  1. Review the operational health and safety hazards.
  2. Assess the risks associated with them.
  3. Determine the controls necessary to mitigate the impacts/risks.
  4. Define goals for health and safety performance.
  5. Create a plan to achieve the goals.
  6. Monitor performance against targets and goals.
  7. Report the results.
  8. Review the OHSMS results and continuously improve.


Why using BDSi?

  • Over 35 years of expertise in helping organizations
  • Experts in over 20 different international standards
  • Experienced consultants with practical knowledge and hands on experience
  • Customized Business Systems approach to meet your business needs
  • Implements a Management System that will compliment the organization’s business practices.


ISO 45001:2018 Series Training

  • ISO45001 Internal Auditor Training
  • ISO45001 Internal Lead Auditor Training
  • Role of Top Management (Executive Overview)
  • Understanding and Implementing ISO 45001
  • Integrating ISO 9001 and ISO 45001


For more information or to schedule a training session please contact

+1 586 795 1500 or email: