Business Development Systems, Inc.

Management Consultants, Trainers and Auditors

Every organization is in business to make a positive difference in value. Value diminishes as waste increases. Hence optimum utilization of resources to produce maximum value remains desirable. A lot of organizations practice various methods to accomplish this; often resulting in not aceiving the desired results. Any system or process implemented must be in alliance with the organization's business practices. This is where the knowledge and experience of BDSi becomes crucial. We deesign processes to yield desired results without compromising the organization's business practices and the fundamental principles of the standard. Lean Manufacturing principles when implemented properly achieves organizational goals to eliminate waste and improve financial benifits. 

Lean manufacturing, lean enterprise, or lean production, is a production practice that considers the expenditure of resources for any goal other than the creation of value for the end customer to be wasteful, and thus a target for elimination. Working from the perspective of the customer who consumes a product or service, "value" is defined as any action, product or process that a customer would be willing to pay for. Essentially, lean is centered on obtaining value for consumed resource. Lean manufacturing is a management philosophy derived mostly from the Toyota Production System (TPS).


Both Lean and TPS can be seen as a loosely connected set of potentially competing principles whose goal is cost reduction by the elimination of waste. These principles include: Pull processing, Perfect first-time quality, Waste minimization, Continuous improvement, Flexibility, Building and maintaining a long term relationship with suppliers, Autonomation, Load leveling and Production flow and Visual control.


Also known as the flexible mass production, the TPS has two pillar concepts: Just-In-Time (JIT) or "flow", and "autonomation" (smart automation). Adherents of the Toyota approach would say that the smooth flowing delivery of value achieves all the other improvements as side-effects. If production flows perfectly then there is no inventory; if customer valued features are the only ones produced, then product design is simplified and effort is only expended on features the customer values.


Lean aims to make the work simple enough to understand, do and manage. To achieve these three goals at once there is a belief held by some that Toyota's mentoring process,(loosely called senpai and kohai, which is Japanese for senior and junior), is one of the best ways to foster Lean Thinking up and down the organizational structure.


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