Business Development Systems, Inc.

Management Consultants, Trainers and Auditors

Ford Motor Company has been using QOS and Q1 quality systems for a long time. Both these fundamental systems have given great advantage to FORD in supply base management. Lately in 2002 FORD launched its back-to-basics quality process -- called Q1 2002. Gaining Q1 status was a one-time event that didn't need to be renewed. Once achieved, suppliers had limited interaction with Ford. But those days are over." The Q1 manufacturing site assessment -- a tool of the new process -- looks at the important areas expected in any robust quality system.  Supplier Improvement Metrics are now closely tied to Q1 status, so suppliers know exactly where they stand.  Manufacturing Site Assessment, for example, evaluates whether the supplier is performing up to customer expectations.


BDSi has over two decades of experience working with FORD’s Q1 and QOS. We have helped several global major players to get and maintain their Q1 status. Our consultant can assess your existing business/systems and develop processes and procedures needed to get, retain or reinstate your Q1-2002. We align the TS/QOS/Q1 requirements and provide you with an integrated Business Management System that is audit friendly and easy to manage and maintain. Give us a call or click to discuss the possibilities.   


Why using BDSi?

  • Over 35 years of expertise in helping organizations
  • Experts for over 20 different international standards
  • Experienced consultants with practical knowledge and hands on experience
  • Develop and implement a Management System that fits business practices.


Formore information please contact us at +1 586 795 1500 or e-mail: